

             FERTILITY IN WOMEN This is a sensitive topic in the health and wellness space. Nowadays there is a huge burden of infertility all over the world. There is an increase in the rates of IVF about 5-10% every year. Fertility is declining year after year yet it’s not given the attention it deserves. In my practice as a Nutritionist, I get to handle a lot of women with issues like difficulty getting pregnant, lack of ovulation or hormonal imbalances that can be a threat to fertility. Why there are increasing rates of infertility -           Lack of preconception education -           Processed vegetable and seed oils everywhere -           Endocrine disrupters in everything like shady make-up products, fragrances -           Food industry and the way they over process foods and make convenience foods -           Long term hormonal contraceptives -           Hustle culture and always on the     go -           Overuse of medications and antibiotics How we

Demystifying Metabolism

  Demystifying Metabolism and its r elation to hormones Y ou have probably heard about Pro-metabolic eating. This is the kind of eating that restores balance to your blood sugar levels, liver health, sex hormones, reproductive system and generally the biochemistry of your body as a whole. Metabolism simply means the rate at which our cells efficiently convert calories and oxygen into energy or fuel to our bodies. Our metabolism is a direct reflection of how our cells take in elements of nature (food, light, minerals, etc.) and can turn that into energy. Could you possibly imagine that slow metabolism could be the root cause to your imbalanced hormones? Metabolism affects the output of all cells in our bodies and since hormones are made by cells to act as cellular messengers, therefore metabolism affects our hormonal output i.e. how we receive and respond to hormones. Metabolism affects our detoxification pathways, digestion, thyroid function, inflammation, reproduction and immu

Sustainable weight loss strategy

  Sustainable weight loss strategy Belly fat can get a little bit more stubborn to get rid of especially in women. Many women with stubborn belly fat, have definitely tried many remedies and tactics which mostly do not yield sustainable results Unfortunately, we live in a world where we see people doing extreme diets and cleanses and of course dropping 10kgs in a month online. We also see people who are genetically blessed with thin bodies claiming its their lifestyle, supplements and diet that did it to them in order to sell you something. However, we don’t get to see the repercussions of these diets since most people do not share their awful experiences. What most women don’t comprehend is that fat is needed for hormone production and function. Fat is a source of safety and for most women to function optimally we need about 35% of body fat Hormonal weight gain is mainly caused by these main root causes; too much stress/ chronic stress , gut issues and liver and detoxif

Thyroid health and why it matters.

Thyroid health The thyroid is an endocrine, butterfly-shaped gland at the front of our necks. The truth is, it touches every single system of the body like digestion, liver functions, brain functions, reproductive functions etc. A sluggish thyroid is a sign that metabolism needs more attention. Even if your lab results shows you are in the optimal ranges yet you experience typical thyroid symptoms then it's important to pay attention to your other than ignoring. The symptoms of a sluggish thyroid include: ·              Bloating and inconsistent bowel movements ·             Fatigue ·             Dry/cracked skin ·             Feeling cold frequently ·             Anxiety/depression ·            Weight gain ·            Acne ·            Hair loss ·            Poor memory ·            Irregular periods and PMS ·          Research has shown that thyroid disorders are more common in women with PCOS as compared to normal population. The main issues that